Introduction to ESG Standards

Introduction to ESG Standards Today, sustainability is the focus, even for organizations that until not so long ago were exclusively profit-oriented. Now this main purpose has not changed, but many other goals have been added to the agenda of companies, which are currently making a considerable effort to comply with ESG standards. ESG is a […]

Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive

Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive On December 14, 2022, the European Parliament and the Council issued Directive 2022/2464, which is called the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD): this legislation is a significant step forward in the execution of the strategy to harmonize sustainability reporting by entities operating in the European Union, a key element in the […]

Sustainable Supply Chain Development of Critical Materials: Weaknesses and Obstacles

Da molti anni l’Unione Europea si sta impegnando per assumere un ruolo guida nel processo di transizione ecologica. A questo scopo nel 2019 la Commissione europea ha presentato il Green Deal, un insieme di iniziative per uno sviluppo sostenibile volte a rendere più competitivo ed efficiente il mercato europeo. Il percorso per raggiungere gli ambiziosi […]

The concept of dual materiality

La Doppia Materialità è un concetto che rimanda all’idea secondo cui ogni singola azione dell’impresa debba essere considerata non solo da un punto di vista strettamente economico, misurando il suo effetto sul bilancio aziendale, gli utili e le perdite che genera in maniera diretta, ma debba invece essere analizzata in una prospettiva più ampia, che […]

Sustainability budgets & ESG: free event

Evento ESG-Bilancio di sostenibilità - 27.09

This coming September 27, 2023, thanks to the collaboration withODCEC Busto Arsizio and Sabicom, the event “Sustainability Budgets & ESG” will be held. During the event, Ivyhouse will also be presented. The conference is being accredited to the CNDCEC whose participation allows to accrue up to a maximum of 3 CFP and RL group C. […]