EU Reacts to the Inflation Reduction Act

Last August, President Joe Biden signed a law that commits the United States to the greatest contribution the country has ever granted to the cause of climate change: the Inflation Reduction Act. This legislation, unprecedented in American history, aims to reduce inflation through a program that allocates large investments, among other objectives, towards achieving national […]

Sustainability Report on the Value Chain

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), issued by the European Parliament in December 2022, has introduced many innovations to the sustainability reporting obligation imposed on companies, revolutionizing both its content and deployment. These changes, described by the European directive but in most EU countries not yet translated into more detailed national legislation, have raised some […]

SDG 1: End of Poverty

To end world poverty might seem like an unachievable utopian objective set by naive hopes for a world free of pain and injustice, but is it really that unattainable, so impossible to reach? The General Assembly of UN disagrees, as shows The 2030 Agenda of Sustainable Development, a resolution constituted by the International Community featuring […]

Proposal for a Decree Implementing the CSRD

In December 2022, the European Commission published the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which restructured the Sustainability Reporting obligation for companies operating in the EU. As per usual for the implementation of European directives, individual member states have been allowed to determine the specifics of the obligation for companies operating on national territory through the […]